All about delivery costs, where you deliver to, how long delivery takes and what to do if a delivery doesn’t arrive

  1. What are your delivery costs?
    The area of Limassol the delivery is free except the Paphos, Larnaka and Nicosia which is 8 euro

  2. Where do you deliver to?
    We deliver to households and companies 

  3. Do you deliver to [country]?
    We only deliver in Cyprus

  4. What happens if I'm not home when you try to deliver?
    In the first place, we’ll have contact with you to plan a day and time that suits you

  5. Can I change my delivery date?
    Yes, after contact with us                                           

  6. Can I order and collect from a store?
    No, due to the plant shop being online! 

All about making payments and orders, how to make payments, what types of payments are accepted and how to rectify a problem when a payment goes wrong

  1. How can I pay for an order?
    Via Revolut and cash on delivery 
  2. Can I order in a different currency? 
    Yes, it is the amount exact 

  3. Do you have a promo code?
    The promo code is coming soon!

  4. I've been overcharged for my order, what do I do?
    You can contact us via email or phone
  5. My credit card was declined, what do I do?
    You can contact me via email or phone

  6. What happens if I'm not home when you try to deliver?
    In the first place, we’ll have contact with you to plan a day and time that suits you

All about products and specifications

  1. The plants are coming with the pots as the photos show?
    No, the plants are coming without the pots 

  2. Can I choose the exact size?
    Yes, there are multiple sizes and colours selection

  3. Are there more products coming soon?
    Yes, more to come

  4. How can I know about more products?
    You can contact us via email or phone